Wrap Project Car – Wraptiva

April 7, 2020 Off By Wrap Student

I was thinking about buying a cheap runabout car that I could use to practice wrapping on as this would mean I could take it apart to wrap certain parts without worrying about having to put it back together when I needed to drive somewhere.

Luckily I came across a little Ford Festiva hatchback which was in fairly good condition apart from a few dents on the driver’s side. Even though the car is 24 years old, the paint is still in reasonable condition and the clear coat is still intact meaning it can still be wrapped without having to sand the paint.

The idea behind this project car is that it will allow me to practice wrapping when I have free time but will also give me experience in other aspects of car wrapping like vehicle disassembly, cleaning and anything else I may come across.

Since it is a very old car I am already aware that there will be a significant amount of time required in cleaning, as old cars usually have lots of dirt build up behind parts and panels. There may also be a need for some bodywork on the driver’s side due to the dents.

I will be providing updates on each step of the way on the journey to fully wrapping my first car.

Unfortunately when it comes to the choice color of the vinyl, I will not be using anything exciting.

I purchased a roll of Hexis Saturn White a while ago with a plan to wrap a car with it but that plan never went through so I will be using the roll on this practice car. From a distance it looks like a bright white but when you get closer you can see a silvery white metallic flake.

Since white is such a boring color it will be a good opportunity to spice thing up a bit by adding few stripes and get some knifeless tape practice in at the same time.

I can’t wait to begin.